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Reporting Requirements Lookup Table


Report Name Mode Import / Export Cargo House / Master WHO – Message Sender Voyage Duration Submission Time Legal Reference Systems Number
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   Master Air Carrier / Agent more than six (6) hours two (2) hours before arrival at the first customs and excise airport Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) CUSCAR_FWB
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   Master Air Carrier / Agent between six(6) and two (2) hours one (1) hour before arrival “Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) “ CUSCAR_FWB
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   Master Air Carrier / Agent less than 2 (two) hours thirty (30) minutes arrival if the duration is “Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) “ CUSCAR_FWB
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent more than six (6) hours two (2) hours before arrival at the first customs and excise airport “Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) “ CUSCAR_HAB
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent between six(6) and two (2) hours one (1) hour before arrival “Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) “ CUSCAR_HAB
Advance arrival notice Air IMP   House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent less than 2 (two) hours thirty (30) minutes arrival if the duration is “Section 8, Rule 8.19 (1) “ CUSCAR_HAB
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Container House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent more than 96 hours 96 hours before scheduled arrival of vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(i) “ CUSCAR_COH
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Container House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent less than 96 hours six (6) hours before scheduled arrival of vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(i) “ CUSCAR_COH
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Bulk / Break bulk   Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent less than 96 hours six (6) hours before scheduled arrival of vessel Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(ii) and (iii) CUSCAR_BBB
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Empty Container   Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent more than 96 hours 96 hours before scheduled arrival of vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(iv) “ CUSCAR_ECL
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Empty Container   Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent less than 96 hours six (6) hours before scheduled arrival of vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(iv) “ CUSCAR_ECL
Advance arrival notice Sea IMP Bulk / Break bulk   Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent more than 96 hours 96 hours before scheduled arrival of vessel Section 8, Rule 8.12 (1)(ii) and (iii) CUSCAR_BBB
Advance arrival notice (Rail Manifest) Rail IMP Container / Bulk / Break bulk   Rail Carrier (Transnet Freight Rail)   one (1) hour before arrival of train at first railway station in South Africa Section 8, Rule 8.24 (1) CUSCAR_RMA
Advance departure notice (Road Freight Manifest) Road EXP Truck / Crew / Container / Bulk / Break bulk   Road Carrier   at least one (1) hour before the truck reaches the land border-post leaving South Africa “Section 8, Rules 8.31 and 8.32 Section 8, Rule 8.32 (3) Own goods operator* (not required to submit electronic declarations) – excluded from application of R.8.29. [refer to Sec.101A(2)(d) read with Rule 101A.01A(2)(a)(v)]. “ CUSCAR_RFM
Advance loading notice Sea IMP Container Master Carrier (Shipping Line) / Registered Agent   at least 24 hours before the first of those containers is loaded on board the vessel that will transport the cargo to South Africa Section 8, Rules 8.09 and 8.10 CUSCAR_ALM
Advance loading notice Sea IMP Container House Carrier (Shipping Line) / Registered Agent / Freight Forwarder   at least 24 hours before the first containers loaded on board the vessel that will transport to South Africa Section 8, Rules 8.09 and 8.11 CUSCAR_ALH
Arrival notice (advance) Air IMP     Air Carrier / Registered Agent between six (6) and two (2) hours “one (1) hour before arrival “ “Section 8, Rule 8.18 “ CALINF_ASC
Arrival notice (advance) Air IMP     Air Carrier / Registered Agent more than six (6) hours two (2) hours before arrival at the first customs and excise airport “Section 8, Rule 8.18 “ CALINF_ASC
Arrival notice (advance) Air IMP     Air Carrier / Registered Agent less than 2 hours 30 minutes before arrival “Section 8, Rule 8.18 “ CALINF_ASC
Arrival notice (advance) Sea IMP     Carrier (Shipping Line) / Registered Agent more than 96 hours 96 hours before scheduled arrival of vessel Section 8, Rule 8.11 CALINF_SCH
Arrival notice (advance) Sea IMP     Carrier (Shipping Line) / Registered Agent less than 96 hours six (6) hours before scheduled arrival of vessel Section 8, Rule 8.11 CALINF_SCH
Arrival notice (Road Freight Manifest) Road IMP Truck / Crew / Container / Bulk / Break bulk   Road Carrier   before arrival of the truck at the land border-post where it will enter South Arica “Section 8, Rules 8.28, 8.29 and 8.30 Section 8, Rule 8.29 (3) Own goods operator* (not required to submit electronic declarations) – excluded from application of R.8.29. [refer to Sec.101A(2)(d) read with Rule 101A.01A(2)(a)(v)].” CUSCAR_RFM
Arrival report (aircraft) Air IMP     Airports Authority (ACSA / Private)   within thirty (30) minutes after arrival “Section 8, Rule 8.20 “ CALINF_AAR
Arrival report (vessel) Sea IMP     Ports Authority (Transnet) (TNPA)   within thirty (30) minutes after arrival of vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.13 “ CALINF_ARR
DA 1 and supporting documents Sea EXP     Master of ship   within 36 hours of the time when clearance certificate was issued Section 7(7)  
DA 1 and supporting documents Sea IMP     Master of ship   within 24 hours of the ship’s arrival Section 7(1)  
DA 2 and supporting documents Air EXP     Pilot of aircraft   within 36 hours of the time when clearance certificate was issued Section 7(7)  
DA 2 and supporting documents Air IMP     Pilot of aircraft   three (3) hours after landing of the aircraft Section 7(1)  
Departure notice Sea EXP Container Master Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent   three(3) working days after departure Section 8, Rule 8.15 CUSCAR_COM
Departure notice Sea EXP Container House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent   three (3) working days after departure Section 8, Rule 8.15 (1) CUSCAR_COH
Departure notice Air EXP   Master Air Carrier / Agent   one (1) working day after departure to a destination outside South Africa “Section 8, Rule 8.22 (1) “ CUSCAR_FWB
Departure notice Air EXP   House Freight forwarder / Clearing Agent   one (1) working day after departure to a destination outside South Africa Section 8, Rule 8.22 (1) CUSCAR_HAB
Departure notice Sea EXP Bulk / Break bulk   Carrier (Shipping Line) or Registered Agent   three(3) working days after departure Section 8, Rule 8.15 (1) CUSCAR_BBB
Departure notice (Rail Manifest) Rail EXP Container / Bulk / Break bulk   Rail Carrier (Transnet Freight Rail)   one (1) working day after departure from last railway station in South Africa before train leaves South Africa “Section 8, Rule 8.26 (1) “ CUSCAR_RMA
Departure report (aricraft) Air EXP     Airports Authority (ACSA / Private)   within thirty (30) minutes after departure “Section 8, Rule 8.21 “ CALINF_AAR
Departure report (vessel) Sea EXP     Ports Authority (Transnet) (TNPA)   within thirty (30) minutes after departure of vessel Section 8, Rule 8.14 CALINF_ARR
Acquitted manifests Air IMP     Carrier (Air Line) / Licensee Degrouping Depot   within thirty (30) days of arrival Section 64G, Rule 64G.22  
Acquitted manifests Sea IMP     Carrier (Shipping Line) / Licensee of Container Depot   within forty (40) days of arrival    
Acquitted manifests Air EXP     Carrier (Air Line)/ Licensee Degrouping Depot   within thirty (30) days of arrival Section 64G, Rule 64G.22  
Acquitted manifests Sea EXP     Carrier (Shipping Licensee Degrouping Depot   within forty (40) days of arrival    
Outturn report (container loaded) Sea EXP Container   Container Terminal Operator (Transnet) or Wharf Operator   no later than 24 hours after the last container has been loaded on board the vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.35 “ COARRI_270
Outturn report (Container off-loaded) Sea IMP Container   Container Terminal Operator (Transnet) or Wharf Operator   no later than 24 hours after the last container covered by the relevant report has been off-loaded from the vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.35 “ COARRI_98
Outturn report (degrouping depot – gate in) Air EXP     Licensee Degrouping Depot   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.44 GIO_ADI
Outturn report (depot – cargo – gate in) Sea EXP     Licensee Container Depot   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule8.40 GIO_DCI
Outturn report (Depot – gate in) Sea IMP     Licensee Container Depot   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.39 GIO_DGI
Outturn report (depot – gate out) Sea EXP     Licensee Container Depot   at hourly intervals “Section 8, Rule 8.39 “ GIO_DGO
Outturn report (depot packed) Sea EXP Container   Licensee of Container Depot   not later than 24 hours after the container packed for export Section 8, Rule 8.41 COSTCO_DOR
Outturn report (depot unpacked) Sea IMP Container   Licensee of Container Depot   not later than 24 hours after the container was unpacked “Section 8, Rule 8.41 “ COSTCO_DOR
Outturn Report (excess) Air IMP     Transit Shed Operator or Licensee of Degrouping Depot     Section 8, Rule 8.46 COSTCO_EOR
Outturn report (loaded) Air EXP     Transit Shed Operator   no later than 24 hours after the cargo has been loaded on board the aircraft “Section 8, Rule 8.42 “ COSTCO_ ALD
Outturn Report (packed / consolidated) Air EXP     Licensee of Degrouping Depot   no later than 24 hours after the cargo has been packed or consolidated “Section 8, Rule 8.45 “ COSTCO_AOR
Outturn report (terminal – gate in) Air EXP     Transit Shed Operator   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.43 GIO_ATI
Outturn report (terminal – gate In) Sea EXP Container   Container Terminal Operator (Transnet) or Wharf Operator   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.38 GIO_TGI
Outturn report (terminal – gate in) Sea EXP Bulk / Break bulk   Wharf Operator   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.37 GIO_BGI
Outturn report (terminal – gate out) Sea IMP Container   Container Terminal Operator (Transnet) or Wharf Operator   at hourly intervals Section 8, Rule 8.38 GIO_TGO
Outturn report (terminal) Sea EXP     Wharf Operator   no later than seven (7) calendar days after the break bulk or bulk cargo has been fully loaded on board the vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.36 “ COSTCO_BBB
Outturn report (terminal) Sea IMP Bulk / Break bulk   Wharf Operator   no later than seven (7) calendar days after the break bulk or bulk cargo has been fully off-loaded from the vessel “Section 8, Rule 8.36 “ COSTCO_BBB
Outturn report (unloaded ) Air IMP     Transit Shed Operator   no later than 24 hours after the aircraft has been fully loaded “Section 8, Rule 8.42 “ COSTCO_ ALD
Outturn Report (unpacked / deconsoidated) Air IMP     Licensee of Degrouping Depot     “Section 8, Rule 8.45 “ COSTCO_AOR
Outturn report (vessel) Sea IMP     Container Terminal Operator, Wharf Operator, Licensee of Container Depot     Section 8, Rule 8.46 COSTCO_VOR

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