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Customs-G001 – Travellers Guide new – External Guide

Customs-G002 – Guide on Importation of unaccompanied goods – External Guide

Customs-G003 – Guide on Account payment process – External Guide

Customs-G004 – Customs Statement of Account – External Guide

Customs-G005 – Chart on New Customs Status Codes BLNS Scenarios and CPCs – External Guide

Customs-G006 – FAQs for all land borders May 2012 – External Guide

DIV-easyFile-G001 – A Guide to the Declaration of Dividends Tax via easyFile- External Guide

DT-GEN-01-G02 – Declaration of Dividends Tax via eFiling – External Guide

DT-GEN-01-G03 – A Quick Guide to Dividends Tax – External Guide

EMP-ELEC-02-G03 – An Employers Guide to the AA88 Third Party Appointment Process – External Guide

EMP-GEN-02-G01 – A Step by Step Guide to the Employer Reconciliation Process – External Guide

EMP-REG-03-G01 – Guide for completion of Employer Registration application – External Guide

GEN-AU-14-G01 – Guide on access to audit files – External guide

GEN-BO-09-G01 – Book an Appointment at a SARS Branch – External Guide

GEN-DC-20-G01 – Third Party Appointments via eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ED-01-G01 – Estate Duty Implications on Buy and Sell Agreements – External Guide

GEN-ED-01-G02 – Estate Duty Implications on Key Man Policies – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-04-G01 – Guide for completing the Value Added Tax VAT201 Declaration – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-06-G01 – Guide to Help You eFile – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-08-G01 – Guide to the Tax Compliance Status functionality on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-10-G01 – Guide for Tax Practitioners on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-11-G01 – Guide to Bulk and Additional Payments on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-13-G01 – Guide to the Payment Advice Notice functionality on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-14-G01 – Guide for Payment Verification on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-15-G01 – A Step by Step guide to the Entity Merge Functionality on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-15-G02 – A Step by Step guide to the Auto Merge Function on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-16-G01 – Guide to the Complaints functionality on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-18-G01 – How to Register for eFiling and Manage Your User Profile – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-19-G01 – Guide for Government Institutions on Tax Compliance Status TCS – External Guide

GEN-ELEC-21-G01 – How to download the new SARS eFiling Browser – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G01 – Guide for the submission of third party data using the connect direct channel – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G02 – Guide for Submission of Third Party Data Using the HTTPS Channel – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G03 – How to activate submit and declare IT3 via eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G04 – How to declare your Foreign Tax Information for the AEOI – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G05 – Automatic Exchange of Information Administrative Penalty – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G06 – How to declare medical scheme contributions and insurance payments via eFiling – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G07 – How to complete and submit your Country by Country information – External Guide

GEN-ENR-01-G08 – Tax Reference Number TRN Enquiry Services on eFiling – External Guide

GEN-GEN-01-G01 – Guide for Completion for Mineral and Petroleum Resources – External Guide

GEN-GEN-08-G01 – Reporting Unprofessional Conduct – External Guide

GEN-GEN-10-G01 – How to report suspected non compliance to SARS – External Guide

GEN-GEN-21-G01 – Criteria for the Recognition of Controlling Bodies – External Guide

GEN-GEN-41-G01 – Change of Banking Details – External Guide

GEN-GEN-51-G01 – SARS Online Query System – External Guide

GEN-PAYM-01-G01 – SARS Payment Rules – External Guide

GEN-PAYM-11-G01 – Securities Transfer Tax – External Guide

GEN-PEN-05-G01 – How to Dispute Administrative Penalties via eFiling – External Guide

GEN-PEN-05-G02 – How to submit a Dispute via eFiling – External Guide

GEN-PT-01-G01 – Guide for Provisional Tax – External Guide

GEN-REG-01-G04 – How to Complete the Registration Amendments and Verification Form RAV01 – External Guide

GEN-REG-40-G01- Application for Labour Broker Exemption Certificate in Respect of Employees Tax IRP30A – External Guide

GEN-REG-48-G01 – Venture Capital Companies – External Guide

GEN-VDP-02-G01 – Voluntary Disclosure Programme – External Guide

GEN-VDP-02-G02 – Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme – External Guide

IT-AE-02-G01 – Non Resident Entertainers and Sportspersons – External Guide

IT-AE-13-G01 – Completion guide for IRP3q Directives – External Guide

IT-AE-33-G01 – Tax Directive for Emigration and cessation of visas – External Guide

IT-AE-36-G02 – Comprehensive Guide to the Income Tax return for Trusts – External Guide

IT-AE-36-G05 – Comprehensive Guide to the ITR12 Income Tax Return for Individuals – External Guide

IT-AE-36-G06 – How to submit your individual income tax return via eFiling – External Guide

IT-AE-37-G02 – Step by Step Guide to complete your Trust return via eFiling – External Guide

IT-AE-38-G01 – Request for a Certificate of Residence – External Guide

IT-AE-40-G02 – Guide to the SARS MobiApp – External Guide

IT-AE-41-G01 – Completion Guide for IRP3a and IRP3s Form – External Guide

IT-AE-41-G02 – Guide to Complete the Tax Directive Application Forms – External Guide

IT-AE-41-G03 – Guide to Complete Submit and Cancel a Recognition of Transfer – External Guide

IT-AE-41-G04 – Guide to the Tax Directive functionality on eFiling – External Guide

IT-AE-44-G02 – How to Register for eFiling and Complete the IT12EI Return for Tax Exempt Organisations – External Guide

IT-easyFile-G001 – Third Party Appointment AA88 easyFileEmployer User Guide – External Guide

IT-ELEC-03-G01 – How to complete the company Income Tax return ITR14 eFiling – External Guide

IT-GEN-03-G01 – How to complete the IT14SD Supplementary Declaration Form – External Guide

IT-GEN-04-G01 – How to complete the Income Tax Return ITR14 for Companies – External Guide

IT-GEN-06-G01 – Guide to the Individual ITR12 Return for Deceased and Insolvent Estates – External Guide

IT-PP-02-G01 – Amounts to be withheld when non resident sells immovable property in SA – External Guide

IT-PT-AE-01-G02 – How to eFile your Provisional Tax Return – External Guide

LAPD-CE-G01 – Understanding the Customs and Excise Transitional Provisions

LAPD-CE-G02 – Duty Exemption on Shipsโ€™ Stores Consumed in the Republic

LAPD-CGT-G01 – Comprehensive Guide to Capital Gains Tax

LAPD-CGT-G02 – The ABC of Capital Gains Tax for Individuals

LAPD-CGT-G04 – The ABC of Capital Gains Tax for Companies

LAPD-CGT-G05 – Guide on Valuation of Assets for Capital Gains Tax Purposes

LAPD-CGT-G06 – BESA Listed Bond Prices

LAPD-CGT-G07 – Briefing Note on Standard Time Apportionment Calculator

LAPD-ETI-G01 – Guide to the Employment Tax Incentive

LAPD-ETI-G01-Arc-2019-01 – Guide to the Employment Tax Incentive Issue 1 Archived 7 May 2019

LAPD-ETI-G01-Arc-2019-01a – Guide to the Employment Tax Incentive Issue 2 Archived 7 May 2019

LAPD-Gen-G01 – Taxation in South Africa

LAPD-Gen-G02 – Guide for Tax Rates Duties Levies

LAPD-Gen-G05 – Guide to Disposal of a Residence from a Company or Trust

LAPD-Gen-G08 – Guide on the Taxation of Professional Sports Clubs and Players

LAPD-Gen-G09 – Tax Guide for Small Businesses

LAPD-IT-G01 – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01 – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 1 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01a – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 2 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01b – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 3 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01c – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 4 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01d – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 5 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01f – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 7 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01g – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 8 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01I – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 10 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01J – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 11 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G01-Arc-2018-01k – Guide on Income Tax and the Individual Issue 12 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G02 – Guide on the Residence Basis of Taxation for Individuals

LAPD-IT-G02-Arc-2018-01 – Guide on Rates Levies and Duties Issue 1 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G02-Arc-2018-01b – Guide on Rates Levies and Duties Issue 3 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G03 – Guide on the calculation of the tax payable on lump sum benefits

LAPD-IT-G04 – Guide on the Ring Fencing of Assessed Losses Arising from Certain Trades Conducted by Individuals

LAPD-IT-G05 – Guide on the Employers Tax Responsibilities wrt Artists Models or Crew in the Film Industry

LAPD-IT-G06 – Guide to the Taxation of Film Owners

LAPD-IT-G07 – Guide on the determination of medical tax credits

LAPD-IT-G07-Arc-2018-01a – Guide on Determination of Medical Tax Credit Issue 2 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G07-Arc-2018-01c – Guide on Determination of Medical Tax Credit Issue 4 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G07-Arc-2018-01d – Guide on Determination of Medical Tax Credit Issue 5 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G07-Arc-2018-01e – Guide on Determination of Medical Tax Credit Issue 6 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G07-Arc-2018-01f – Guide on Determination of Medical Tax Credit Issue 7 Archived 2018

LAPD-IT-G08 – List of Qualifying Physical Impairment or Disability Expenditure

LAPD-IT-G08a – List of Qualifying Physical Impairment or Disability Expenditure Effective 1 March 2020

LAPD-IT-G09 – Guide on the Tax Incentive for Learnership Agreements

LAPD-IT-G10 – Tax Guide for Small Businesses

LAPD-IT-G11 – Tax Guide for Share Owners

LAPD-IT-G12 – Guide to the Urban Development Zone Allowance

LAPD-IT-G13 – Tax Brochure for Non Residents

LAPD-IT-G16 – Basic Guide to Income Tax for Public Benefit Organisations

LAPD-IT-G17 – Basic Guide to Section 18A Approval

LAPD-IT-G18 – Guide to Building Allowances

LAPD-IT-G19 – Comprehensive Guide to Dividends Tax

LAPD-IT-G19-Arc-2019-02 – Comprehensive Guide to Dividends Tax Issue 1 Archived 12 September 2019

LAPD-IT-G19-Arc-2019-02a – Comprehensive Guide to Dividends Tax Issue 2 Archived 12 September 2019

LAPD-IT-G20 – Guide to the Taxation of Special Trusts

LAPD-IT-G21 – Guide on the Taxation of Foreigners working in South Africa

LAPD-IT-G23 – Guide on the Taxation of Franchisors and Franchisees

LAPD-IT-G24 – Guide on Mutual Agreement Procedures

LAPD-IT-G25 – Guide to the Exemption from normal tax of income from films

LAPD-IT-G26 – Tax Exemption Guide for Public Benefit Organisations in South Africa

LAPD-IT-G27 – Tax Guide for Recreational Clubs

LAPD-IT-G29 – PIT FAQs Foreign Employment Income Exemption

LAPD-IT-G30 – Guide on venture capital companies

LAPD-IT-G31 – FAQs on Deceased Estates

LAPD-STC-G01 – Comprehensive Guide to Secondary Tax on Companies

LAPD-TAdm-F01 – Dispute Resolution Power of Attorney – External Form

LAPD-TAdm-G01 – Short Guide to the Tax Administration Act 2011

LAPD-TAdm-G02 – Comprehensive Guide to Advance Tax Rulings

LAPD-TAdm-G04 – Request for Correction and Notice of Objection Guide

LAPD-TAdm-G05 – Dispute Resolution Guide

LAPD-TAdm-G06 – Quick Guide on Alternative Dispute Resolution

LAPD-TAdm-G07 – Guide on Dispute of a Tax Assessment

LAPD-TAdm-G08 – Electronic Communications Guide

LAPD-TAdm-G10 – SARS Common Reporting Standard FAQ

LAPD-TAdm-G11 – Understatement Penalty Guide

LAPD-TAdm-G12 – Guide on US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act FATCA

LAPD-TAdm-G13 – Reportable Arrangement Guide

LAPD-TD-G01 – Transfer Duty Guide

LAPD-TT-G01 – Tax Guide for Micro Businesses

LAPD-VAT-G01 – VAT 403 Vendors and Employers Trade Classification Guide

LAPD-VAT-G02 – VAT 404 Guide for Vendors

LAPD-VAT-G03 – VAT 409 Guide for Fixed Property and Construction

LAPD-VAT-G04 – VAT 411 Guide for Entertainment Accommodation and Catering

LAPD-VAT-G05 – VAT 412 Guide for Share Block Schemes

LAPD-VAT-G06 – VAT 413 Guide for Estates

LAPD-VAT-G07 – VAT 414 Guide for Associations not for Gain and Welfare Organisations

LAPD-VAT-G08 – VAT 419 Guide for Municipalities

LAPD-VAT-G09 – VAT 420 Guide for Motor Dealers

LAPD-VAT-G10 – VAT 421 Guide for Short Term Insurance

LAPD-VAT-G11 – VAT Rulings Process Reference Guide

LAPD-VAT-G12 – VAT and PAYE NonExecutive Directors FAQs on BGRs 40 and 41

LAPD-VAT-G13 – Pocket Guide on the VAT rate increase on 1 April 2018

LAPD-VAT-G14 – VAT FAQs Increase in the VAT Rate from 1 April 2018

LAPD-VAT-G15 – VAT Quick Reference Guide for Non-Executive Directors

LAPD-VAT-G16 – VAT FAQs Supplies of electronic services

LAPD-VAT-G17 – VAT Reference Guide for Foreign Donor Funded Projects

PAYE-AE-06-G06 – Guide for Codes Applicable to Employees Tax Certificates 2021 – External Guide

PAYE-AE-06-G07 – Guide for Validation Rules Applicable to Reconciliation Declarations 2021 – External Guide

PAYE-AE-06-G08 – Guide for Completion and Submission of Employees Tax Certificates 2021 – External Guide

PAYE-easyFile-G001 – easyFile Employer User Guide – External Guide

PAYE-easyFile-G003 – Requesting a Statement of Account on easyFileEmployer – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G01 – Guide for Employers in respect of Tax Deduction Tables – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G02 – Guide for Employers in respect of Fringe Benefits – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G03 – Guide for Employers in respect of Allowances – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G04 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2015 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G05 – Guide for Employers in respect of Employment Tax Incentive – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G10 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2016 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G11 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2018 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G12 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2017 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G13 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2019 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G14 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2020 – External Guide

PAYE-GEN-01-G15 – Guide for Employers iro Employees Tax for 2021 – External Guide

SC-PA-01-03 – Guide on Duty Free Allowances for Travellers – External Guide

SC-PR-01-02 – Rebate Item 470 03 – External Guide

SDL-GEN-01-G01 – Guide for Employers in respect of Skills Development Levy – External Guide

SE-ADV-02-G01 – Vehicles for physical disabilities – External Guide

SE-GEN-04-G01 – Introduction to Excise Duties Levies and Air Passenger Tax – External Guide

TD-AE-02-G02 – Guide for Transfer Duty via eFiling – External Guide

TT-GEN-01-G01 – Administration of Turnover Tax – External Guide

UIF-GEN-01-G01 – Guide for Employers in respect of the Unemployment Insurance Fund – External Guide

VAT 411 – Guide for Entertainment Accommodation and Catering – External Guide

VAT-CF-01-POL-G01 – VAT Refunds in terms of VAT Export Regulation No 316 – External Guide

VAT-ELEC-01-G01 – Manage Value Added Tax on Imported Services – External Guide

VAT-REG-02-G01 – Guide for Completion of VAT Application – External Guide

VAT-REG-02-G02 – Foreign Suppliers of Electronic Services – External Guide

VDP-EMP-01-G01 – Guide for Treatment of PAYE for VDP Purposes – External Guide


APT-02 – Air Passenger Tax – External Policy

C-LR-02 – Customs Sufficient Knowledge – External Policy

ECS-LER-03 – Legal Entity – External Standard

IOPCF-02 – International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund – External Standard

SC-CA-02 – Internal Administrative Appeal – External Policy

SC-CC-26 – Alternative Dispute Resolution – External Policy

SC-CC-28 – Counterfeit Goods – External Policy

SC-CC-32 – Prohibited and Restricted Goods – External Policy

SC-CC-35 – Customs Scanner Operations – External Policy

SC-CC-38 – Reporting of Conveyances and Goods – External Policy

SC-CF-07 – Accreditation – External Policy

SC-CF-10 – Dangerous Goods – External Policy

SC-CF-13 – Use of Non Designated Ports – External Policy

SC-CF-19 – Registration Licensing and Designation – External Policy

SC-CF-22 – Special and Extra attendance – External Policy

SC-CF-25 – Provisional Payment – External Policy

SC-CF-30 – Invoice Requirements for Customs – External Policy

SC-CF-41 – Formalities for Unpolished Diamonds – External Policy

SC-CF-48 – Staged Consignment – External Policy

SC-CF-49 – Samples – External Policy

SC-CF-55 – Clearance Declaration – External Policy

SC-CO-01-02 – Offences and Penalties – External Policy

SC-CR-A-03 – Valuation of Imports – External Directive

SC-CR-A-05 – Method 1 Valuation of Imports – External Directive

SC-CR-A-07 – Valuation of Exports – External Policy

SC-CR-A-09 – Tariff Classification – External Policy

SC-CW-01-04 – State Warehouse – External Policy

SC-CW-01-07 – Duty and Tax Free Shops – External Policy

SC-DT-B-02 – Deferments – External Policy

SC-DT-C-13 – Refunds and Drawbacks – External Policy

SC-GP-15 – Trade Statistics – External Policy

SC-IM-01-01 – Samples of No Commercial Value – External Policy

SC-IM-01-06 – Clearance of Continuous Transmission Commodities – External Policy

SC-MT-02 – International Mail – External Policy

SC-PA-01-06 – Excess Currency – External Policy

SC-PA-01-11 – Traveller Processing – External Policy

SC-RO-02 – Administration of Trade Agreements – External Policy

SC-SE-05 – Bonds – External Policy

SC-SP-02-02 – Supplies to Craft – External Policy

SC-TA-01-04 – ATA Carnet – External Policy

SC-TA-01-06 – CPD Carnet – External Policy

SC-TR-01-02 – Acquittal of Customs Declarations – External Policy

SC-TR-01-05 – Removal of Goods – External Policy

SE-ACC-05 – Submission of accounts returns – External Policy

SE-ADV-02 – Ad Valorem Excise Duty – External Policy

SE-AK-02 – Aviation Kerosene – External Policy

SE-APL-02 – Internal Administrative Appeal – External Policy

SE-BFS-02 – Bunkering of Foreign Going Ships – External Policy

SE-BIO-02 – Biodiesel – External Policy

SE-BON-02 – Bonds – External Policy

SE-CBT-02 – Carbon Tax – External Policy

SE-CD-02 – Environmental Levy on CO2 Emissions new Motor Vehicles Manufactured in SA – External Policy

SE-CON-02 – Clearance of movements – External Policy

SE-DL-02 – Diamond Export Levy – External Policy

SE-DSL-02 – Manage Diesel Refund Calculations – External Policy

SE-EL-11 – Environmental Levy on Tyres – External Policy

SE-ELC-02 – Environmental Levy on Electricity Generated in South Africa – External Policy

SE-FL-16 – Unmarked Specified Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvents – Extenal Standard

SE-FS-25 – Tariff Determination – External Policy

SE-GEN-02 – Accounting for Duty – External Policy

SE-GEN-06 – Samples – External Policy

SE-GEN-08 – Special or Extra Attendance – External Policy

SE-LR-02 – Licensing and Registration – External Policy

SE-MB-02 – Beer – External Policy

SE-OFB-02 – Other Fermented Beverages – External Policy

SE-OIL-02 – Oil Industry – External Policy

SE-PAY-02 – Prescribed Payment Rules – External Policy

SE-PB-02 – Environmental Levy on Plastic Bags Manufactured in South Africa – External Policy

SE-PP-02 – Provisional Payment – External Policy

SE-REF-02 – Refunds – External Policy

SE-REF-05 – Diplomatic fuel refunds – External Policy

SE-SB-02 – Health Promotion Levy on Sugary Beverages – External Policy

SE-SP-02 – Spirits – External Policy

SE-TOB-02 – Tobacco – External Policy

SE-WV-02 – Wine and Vermouth – External Policy


CA-01-M01 – eAccount on eFiling – External Manual

EA-01-M01 – eAccount on eFiling – External Manual

LAPD-Gen-G06 – Manual on the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000

SC-CF-04 – Completion of declarations – External Manual

SC-CF-23 – Completion of DA 185 and DA 186 – External Manual

SC-CF-26 – Application to Submit Cargo Reports – External Manual

SC-CF-32 – Completion of DA 70 – External Manual

SC-CR-A-13 – Completion of DA 55 – External Manual

SC-CW-01-08 – Completion of DA 68 – External Manual

SC-DT-C-06 – Completion of DA 66 – External Manual

SC-DT-C-08 – Completion of DA 64 – External Manual

SC-DT-C-09 – Completion of DA 63 – External Manual

SC-DT-C-18 – Completion of CR1 – External Manual

SC-IT-03 – RLA Customs Trader Portal – External User Manual

SC-IT-16 – Relationship Management – External User Manual

SC-PA-01-09 – Completion of Traveller Card – External Manual

SC-SE-06 – Completion of Bonds and Addendum – External Manual

SE-ACC-02-M01 – eFiling Registration – External Manual

SE-ACC-02-M02 – Declaration and Return Submission via eFiling – External Manual

SE-ACC-06-M01 – Return and Submission of HTML5 forms via eFiling – External Manual

SE-ADV-03-M01 – DA 75 – Internal Manual

SE-BIO-03-M01 – DA 162 Monthly Biodiesel Account – Completion Manual

SE-BON-03-M01 – Completion of Bonds and Addendums – External Manual

SE-CBT-03-M01 – DA180 Environmental Account for Carbon Tax – External Manual

SE-CD-03-M01 – DA 177 for Carbon Dioxide Emission Levy – Completion Manual

SE-DEL-03-M01 – DL 163 Return – External Manual

SE-EL-12-M01 – DA178 and Schedules – External Manual

SE-LR-03-M01 – Completion of DA185 – External Manual

SE-OIL-03-M01 – Completion of DA 159 – External Manual

SE-OIL-04-M01 – Completion of DA 160 – External Manual

SE-PB-03-M01 – DA 161A Environmental Levy Account for Plastic Bags – Completion Manual

SE-PP-03-M01 – Completion of the DA70 – External Manual

SE-REF-03-M01 – Completion of DA66 – External Manual

SE-REF-06-M01 – Completion of DA90 Diplomatic fuel refunds – External Manual

SE-SB-03-M01 – DA179 and Schedule – External Manual

Table of Contents

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