The South African Customs Administration plays an integral role in the facilitation of movement of goods and people entering or exiting the borders of South Africa. Our vision is to offer a world-class Customs service which contributes to the stability, health and prosperity of the country, region and world.
Customs Objectives
The Customs mandate and priorities are to:
Provide border control management, community protection and Industry protection
Administer trade policy measures and industry schemes; and
The approximately 2500 staff members in Customs are involved in either trade facilitation activities e.g. documentary and physical inspection of cargo; registration and licensing; processing and auditing; or border control and enforcement functions which incorporates members of the Detector Dog Unit.
Staff members strive to:
Execute their responsibilities with honour, pride and integrity;
Be transparent, fair and accountable in all their dealings; and
Work in partnership with stakeholders who share their vision to actively combat trade malpractices.
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