What is it?
Transit can be divided into two categories, i.e. national and international transits. National transit is the movement of goods in bond within South Africa and within the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) from one customs controlled area to another. International transit applies to imported goods not destined for South Africa which move through South Africa to its final destination e.g. Zimbabwe.
Current legislation and policy require specific documents to be endorsed, which could entail the completion of required fields on a form such as findings of an examination, date stamping and signing. To see which documents are required and under which circumstances, click here.
Do I need a permit to transport goods?
In transit goods must be carried by a licensed remover of goods in bond. Clients must also be aware that before any application for cabotage permits (when transport is undertaken on SA roads by foreign carriers) will be considered by the Cross Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA), a permit must first be obtained from the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) and temporary clearance must be made at a SARS Customs Office.
A Customs Road Freight Manifest (DA 187) must accompany the vehicle carrying goods together with a processed Customs Declaration for removal in bond or for export as the case may be, and must accompany the driver of the means of transport. A copy of each must be delivered to the Controller/Branch Manager at the place of exit. Every person must keep records as prescribed in terms of the Customs and Excise Act.
What are the penalties if I do not comply with the law?
Failure to adhere to the provisions of the Act, as set out in this document, is considered an offence.
Offences may render the client liable to:
- Monetary penalties
- Criminal prosecution and / or
- Suspension/cancellation of registration/licence/accreditation.
For more information refer to the following documents:
Related Documents
DA 4 – Transire for a Destination in the Republic – External Form
DA 5 – List of Sealable Goods on Board Ship – External Form
DA 6 – Report Inwards iro Goods Not Entered for Home Consumption Carried Coastwise – External Form
SAD 502 – Customs Declaration Transit Control – External Form
SAD 505 – Customs Declaration Bond Transit Control – External Form