FAQ: Can I change my portfolio type?
Yes, users may change their portfolio type by using the “Portfolio Management” function listed under “My Profile” on the left menu pane Detailed steps can
FAQ: Can I choose not to select a default Primary user?
No. All users will have to select a default primary user in order to use eFiling, Otherwise, they will not be able to access eFiling
FAQ: Can I claim for more than one Retirement Annuity?
Yes, you can claim for more than one retirement annuity. Add the contribution made together and claimed under code 4006.
FAQ: Can I claim professional subscription fees as a chartered accountant?
A person who earns remuneration income (which is not derived mainly from commission) cannot claim professional subscription fees against the income received. This deduction is
FAQ: Can I edit the fields on my IRP5?
Check your IRP5 and verify if all the information is correct before attempting to submit the return. If you notice any errors which might need
FAQ: Can I make instalment payment arrangements to settle an outstanding penalty amount?
Yes, an instalment payment arrangement agreement can be entered into for a full outstanding tax debt. This would be subject to certain qualifying criteria (e.g.
FAQ: Can I post all my original banking details documents to SARS?
No, posted originals or copies of documents relating to banking details won’t be processed and the documents will be returned.
FAQ: Can I register for all types of tax types using eFiling?
No, you can’t register for all tax types on eFiling. Customs and Excise is not available. Registration for Customs and Excise must take place at
FAQ: Can I request for my eFiling login details from the SARS contact centre?
Yes, a contact centre staff can assist you to obtain login details.
FAQ: Can I see my refund amount and payment date or the payment due date of the amount owed by me to SARS on eFiling?
Yes, you can see both on eFiling. The refund amount (if any) and refund payment date can be seen on the ‘Income Tax Statement of
FAQ: Can I submit last years return on eFiling?
Yes, you will be able to submit for previous years on eFiling.
FAQ: Can I update my address on an income tax form?
Yes, the address can be updated on an income tax return.
FAQ: Can I update my address on the ITR12 return?
Yes, taxpayers can update the address on the ITR12 return.
FAQ: Can I update the SARS eFiling App for free?
No, the service data charges will apply for updates.
FAQ: Can I view submitted data files on eFiling?
The technical administrator and the technical user will be able to view the summary of the data file submissions on the “Submission Dashboard”. The dashboard
FAQ: Can I, the employee, determine for whom I work and for the client type I have CSK status?
No, it is the employer’s prerogative to nominate an employee for CSK purposes and for a specific client type.
FAQ: Can interest incurred on the acquisition of shares in a private company be added to base cost?
No – this is specifically prohibited by paragraph 20(2)(a) of the Eighth Schedule. However, paragraph 20(1)(g) allows one-third of the interest incurred in acquiring listed
FAQ: Can SARS assist with deletion of information captured on a tax certificate?
SARS cannot amend or delete any information captured by the person who issued the tax certificate.
FAQ: Can SARS branch help me with my login details for eFiling?
Yes you can be assisted at a SARS branch.
FAQ: Can SARS request for further information when dealing with an objection?
Yes. Where SARS requires further information to decide on the objection case, additional information will be requested from the taxpayer.
FAQ: Can the Administrative Penalties section of the NOO form be used to submit an objection against any other type of penalty / interest?
No, the Administrative Penalties section of the NOO form must not be used to submit an objection against in other type of penalty/interest. If a
FAQ: Can the Company Representative/Public Officer details be updated?
The following Company Representative/Public Officer details can be updated: Surname; First name; Initials; Date of appointment; ID/Passport number.
FAQ: Can the Company Representative/Public Officer request to update the company’s banking details?
Yes,the Company Representative/Public Officer can request a change for the following bank details: Account number; Branch number: Account type: Branch name Account Holder Name (Account
FAQ: Can the Company representative/Public officer verify and update the legal entity details via the ITR14 return?
No, the Company representative/Public Officer cannot verify and update the legal entity details via the ITR14 return.
FAQ: Can the Company representative/Public Officer view the old format IT14SD returns submitted for previous years in the branch?
Yes, the Company representative/Public Officer will be able to view previous years’ submitted returns in the old IT14SD format via eFiling. In the SARS branch
FAQ: Can the Company representative/Public Officer view the old IT14 format returns submitted for previous years in the branch?
Yes, the Company representative/Public Officer will be able to view previous years’ submitted returns in the old IT14 format via eFiling. In the SARS branch
FAQ: Can the IT14SD be requested from the SARS Contact Centre?
No, The IT14SD cannot be requested via the SARS Contact Centre, as there will be no posting or email option for request of the IT14SD.
FAQ: Can the ITR14 form be submitted if the Company Representative/Public Officer has confirmed that the demographic information has not been verified?
No, the applicable information must first be updated at the SARS branch or on eFiling.
FAQ: Can the ITR14 return be requested by contacting the SARS Contact Centre?
No, the SARS Contact Centre will not be posting the ITR14 returns. Companies will be required to register on eFiling to request and submit ITR14.
FAQ: Can the legal entity information of a company be verified and updated on the ITR14 return?
No, the ITR14 form cannot be used to update the legal entity information of a company. These changes can only be effected through the completion
FAQ: Can the Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) have a negative amount?
The Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) on the EMP201 may not result in a negative amount. Where the calculated Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) is more than the PAYE
FAQ: Can the Notice of Assessment and Verification Letters be emailed to the Company representative/Public Officer by a SARS Branch Agent?
Yes, if the ITR14 has been successfully submitted and processed in the branch, the Branch agent will provide the Company representative/Public Officer with the option
FAQ: Can the sale of a property be subject to both VAT and Transfer Duty?
No, the sale of property will be subject to either VAT or Transfer Duty. VAT takes preference over Transfer Duty. If the seller is a
FAQ: Can the same employee write more than one client type test?
Yes, if different bookings were made for multiple client types. An employee cannot, however, write different tests for different client types in one session.
FAQ: Do I have to apply to SARS for a reduced rate in terms of Dividends Tax?
You do not have to apply to SARS for a directive or any confirmation. You only need to submit the required declaration and undertaking form
FAQ: Do I have to be registered for Income tax to obtain a certificate of residence?
A person or partner in partnership (partner) must be registered for income tax purposes. Where the person or partner is not registered for income tax
FAQ: Do I have to complete a declaration and undertaking form for exemption for each dividend / share in my share portfolio?
You only need to declare your exempt status per the declaration and undertaking form once (per company / withholding agent) and it will remain valid
FAQ: Do I have to log out of eFiling session to start the Help-You-eFile session?
No. You don’t have to log out. You do need to save all your information before you start your Help-You-eFile session.
FAQ: Do I have to log out of eFiling to start the Help-You-eFile session?
You don’t have to log out. You do need to save all your information before you start your Help-You-eFile session.
FAQ: Do I need multiple POA’s if appointed as representative taxpayer for all tax types?
No, one SARS POA must be completed however all the tax types must be listed.
FAQ: Do I need to be a South African resident to qualify to register as a tax practitioner?
No, non-resident tax practitioners are however required to belong to a Recognised Controlling Body.
FAQ: Do I need to enable fingerprints to complete my income tax form on the eFiling app?
If your device has biometrics capabilities, you may select to enable biometrics. If your device has no biometric capabilities you will select the option ‘no
FAQ: Do I need to pay the Mineral Royalty even if I am making a loss?
Yes. A minimum royalty rate of 0.5% must be paid even if you are making a loss.
FAQ: Do I need to record the daily odometer readings?
No, SARS does not require the daily odometer readings for opening and closing kilometres. You do need to record the opening and closing kilometres for
FAQ: Do I need to register as an importer if I buy personal goods from abroad e.g. from Amazon?
No, you don’t have to register as an importer if you meet certain conditions. Personal goods can be cleared with Customs under the generic code
FAQ: Do I need to submit an income tax form if I only earned interest income?
If the amount received is in excess of the prescribed exemption amount you must submit an income tax form.
FAQ: Do I need to submit my logbook?
Yes, you need a log book to support your claim for expenses related to an employer-provided vehicle. However, you do not need to submit the
FAQ: Do I need to submit supporting documents every time I submit my income tax form?
Supporting documents must only be submitted to SARS when requested to do so.
FAQ: Do I need to tick the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) field when completing a certificate on e@syFile™ Employer?
The ETI field is only mandatory when you have claimed ETI for the specific employee. The following pop-up message will be shown, when manually capturing