FAQ: How do I activate a tax type on eFiling?
Follow these easy steps: Logon to eFiling Select the correct tax payer from the “Taxpayer List” Navigate to the “Organisations” tab Open the “Organisation” menu
FAQ: How do I activate my registration as a tax practitioner?
Complete the details on the practitioner section of the RAV01 by providing SARS with the controlling body you belong to. Your Controlling Body must also send
FAQ: How do I apply for a certificate of residence?
Where the South African resident rendered services or received income from another country and the country requires a certificate of residence or certificate of residence
FAQ: How do I apply for Income Tax Exemption?
The Tax Exemption Unit (TEU) will consider an application for exemption that complies with the following: A formal application for exemption must be lodged with
FAQ: How do I assign a company representative?
Step 1: User select the taxpayer they intend to represent from the taxpayer list. User navigates to “Organisations” tab >> “SARS Registered Details” menu >>”Activate
FAQ: How do I calculate my allowable deductions in respect of donations for the 2020/21 tax year, to the Solidarity fund and donations made to other approved funds?
The tax-deductible limit for donations, currently 10 per cent of taxable income, has been increased with an additional 10 per cent in respect of donations
FAQ: How do I calculate my income tax liability using the tax calculator on eFiling?
Select the ‘Tax Calculator’ after completing your income tax return.
FAQ: How do I calculate the tax-free portion of a lump sum received or accrued on or after 1 October 2007 on retirement?
With effect 1 October 2007, Formula A was repealed. The definition of formula B has been amended and the symbols in Formula B (Z=C+E-D) represent
FAQ: How do I cancel a registration for employees’ tax?
To cancel a registration for employees’ tax you need to send a written notification and EMP123/EMP123T form to SARS. You can send the notification and
FAQ: How do I check my practitioner status with SARS?
It simple you can do this on the eFiling website or Login to eFiling Follow: Organisation SARS Registered Details Activate Registered User Services or Services My
FAQ: How do I check the status of the Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) submitted on eFiling?
To check the status of the EMP201 sent using eFiling, click ‘Query SARS Status’ on the EMP201 Workpage
FAQ: How do I complete and send the Monthly Employer Declaration (EMP201) on eFiling?
In order to complete and send you EMP201 on eFiling, you firstly need to be registered. Follow our simple steps to register if you aren’t.
FAQ: How do I complete my Income tax form on eFiling?
Open your income tax return by clicking on income tax return (ITR12) link on eFiling.
FAQ: How do I convert income measured in a foreign currency to Rands?
It can be converted by using either: The spot rate; or The average exchange rate for the relevant year of assessment.
FAQ: How do I create a default Primary User?
Upon first login as of 1st July 2019, a user with multiple usernames will be prompted to select their default Primary username from a list
FAQ: How do I de-register from Turnover Tax?
You can deregister from Turnover Tax voluntarily by writing to the Commissioner expressing your wish to do so in a manner prescribed by the Commissioner.
FAQ: How do I declare investment income on my return if I am married in community of property?
The total amount of your investment income must be declared even if you are married in community of property, as SARS will do the necessary
FAQ: How do I distribute capital losses in a Trust as a net loss to beneficiaries?
Capital losses may never be attributed to a beneficiary. Both para 80(1) (vesting of asset in resident beneficiary) and para 80(2) (vesting of capital gain
FAQ: How do I download the SARS eFiling App?
For Apple devices, the following steps must be followed to download the SARS eFiling App from the App Store: Open the APP store by tapping
FAQ: How do I download the SARS Smartphone App?
For Apple devices, the following steps must be followed to download the SARS Smartphone App from the App Store: Open the App store by tapping on
FAQ: How do I ensure that my reconciliation does not fail ETI balancing?
Add the value of code 4118 of all IRP5/IT3(a) certificates that you are submitting and compare the summed value to the sum of ETI calculated
FAQ: How do I fix my compliance status?
Click on the Non-Compliance indicator and follow the steps to rectify your status.
FAQ: How do I get a Notice of Registration?
The Notice of Registration for Individuals (IT150) can be obtained via different channels: SARS MobiApp On the Landing page tap on My Services. This will
FAQ: How do I get to the Income Tax Work Page to see my Income Tax Return (ITR12)?
If your ITR12 return has been issued, it will appear on the Income Tax Work Page. Follow these five easy steps: Step 1: Log onto
FAQ: How do I have my disability re-confirmed in order to claim my deduction and how do I renew by disability status for tax purposes?
You must ensure than an ITR-DD – Confirmation of Diagnosis of Disability – External Form is completed (available online) and available in the event that
FAQ: How do I initiate a tax type transfer on eFiling?
To transfer a taxpayer (client), follow these steps: Login to eFiling Select: Organisations Organisation Register New Complete the information required and click “Continue” at the
FAQ: How do I know if my controlling body is recognised by SARS?
The statutory bodies that are Recognised Controlling Bodies are listed in s 240A(1) of TAAct. SARS has published a list of Recognised Controlling Bodies approved
FAQ: How do I know that I fall within the definition of a resident?
a) The definition of resident refers to a natural person who is ‘ordinarily’ resident in the Republic or if that person was ‘physically’ present in
FAQ: How do I link a newly registered client to my profile?
You can add a new client by registering the client in the Register New section under the Organisation on the Tax Practitioner eFiling profile. Login
FAQ: How do I manage rights to enable a use to submit a 3rd party data declaration for a specific tax type?
The eFiling administrator should apply the following steps: Organisations >> Manage Groups >> Select correct group Ensure the authorisation level is changed to “Submissions” Ensure
FAQ: How do I migrate duplicate certificates on e@syFile?
On the old e@syFile™ application, multiple certificates with the same certificate number may exist for periods 2009 and 2010. When migrating to the new e@syFile™
FAQ: How do I open ports for the Secure web (HTTPS) channel?
For users utilising the Secure web (HTTPS) to submit their files, it is important for Technical users to ensure that their network allows for internet
FAQ: How do I prepare a file and name the file?
Follow these easy steps: Download the Business requirement specification (BRS) for the data type you intend to submit; Follow the guideline provided in the BRS
FAQ: How do I proceed after completion of the ‘Activation’ process, when I get the ‘Awaiting Registration Verification’ message?
The message is an indication that you have successfully activated for TCS and in order to proceed further, registration verification is required. To proceed with
FAQ: How do I register as a conveyancer?
You need an eFiling profile, then click on ‘Services’ then on ‘Conveyancer Registration’ and simply register by completing the RC-01 form.
FAQ: How do I register for turnover tax?
By submitting to SARS a completed TT01 form. The registration application should be submitted before the beginning of a year of assessment (a year of
FAQ: How do I register on the SARS app or SARS MobiApp?
Download our enhanced SARS MobiApp from the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple devices) and click the ‘Register’ button.
FAQ: How do I submit supporting document with my income tax form?
Supporting documents must not be submitted with an income tax return. Should SARS require supporting documents you will be informed.
FAQ: How do I submit the IT12EI return?
You can submit your return via: eFiling (to make your submission electronically, register on www.sarsefiling.co.za ); or at any SARS branch. Photocopies / faxed copies
FAQ: How do I upload supporting documents (relevant material) on eFiling?
To upload supporting documents (relevant material), follow these steps: Logon to eFiling Select: Returns Returns History The applicable type of tax (e.g. ITR12, Employees Tax,
FAQ: How do married couples submit the supporting documents?
If you are married in community of property, the certificates received by both you (the taxpayer) and your spouse are required If you are married
FAQ: How do Registered Controlling Bodies (RCB’s) submit new information to SARS regarding their members (tax practitioners) that are only coming forward now to verify their information?
RCB’s have two options that they can use to submit new information to SARS regarding new members or members that are only coming forward to
FAQ: How do we book a CSK test?
An employee needs to be nominated by his/ her Employer and registered on the CSK web application before he/ she can do a booking. Steps:
FAQ: How do we get more information about these client types, including ones which never existed before under the current Act?
Chapter 28 of the Customs Control Act governs the registration of the different client types. A comprehensive list is found in in the Rules (Rule
FAQ: How do we record this number on our Registered Controlling Bodies (RCB) system – “TPRN PR-0005011” or just the “PR-number”?
Just the PR-number should be recorded, for example – PR-0005011, except for Interactive Voice Response (IVR) authentication where they do not use the prefix PR-.
FAQ: How does a user manage eFiling Right Groups?
The eFiling user has the ability to create groups and to give users different rights within the group depending on what the users are required
FAQ: How does ADR affect a taxpayer’s right to appeal to the Tax Board or the Tax Court?
This option is available in addition to a taxpayer’s right to appeal to the Tax Court or Board, and any delays caused through the ADR
FAQ: How does an employer determine the “monthly remuneration” of an employee who qualifies?
The “monthly remuneration” of an employee who qualifies is the amount paid or payable for that full month. Where an employee has only been employed
FAQ: How does an investor support the claim for a deduction?
On request from SARS, the investor must verify a claim for a deduction by providing a venture capital company investor share certificate that has been
FAQ: How does an organisation apply for section 18A approval?
A formal application must be submitted for consideration. An application form EI 1, which is available on the SARS website, must be completed. The organisation