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Practice Notes

The Practice Notes in this Archive have been either withdrawn or replaced and are only intended for reference and/or research purposes.

Practice Notes that are still effective, can be found under Interpretation & Rulings > Practice Notes.



Notices of Withdrawal of Practice Notes



Retirement Fund Practice Notes 

​Practice Note
Reference Number
​Description ​ ​Notes

2011​ ​ ​

​​RF 1/2011

Issued on 01/03/2011


Implemented with effect from 30/09/2010


Withdrawn with effect from 05/11/2012

​Conditions for pension preservation funds ​RF 1/2011 was withdrawn by RF 1/2012 with effect from 5 November 2012

RF 1/2004​

Issued on 24/03/2004




Withdrawn with effect from 07/06/2016​
​Payment of annuities in arrear ​RF 1/2004 was wihdrawn with effect from 7 June 2016 due to legislative amendments to paragraph 4(1) of the Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act, 1962
​ ​ ​ ​
1998​ ​
Issued on 30/11/1998
Withdrawn with effect from 30/09/2010
​Funds for the preservation of the retirement interests of employees
  • Addendum A
  • Addendum B
  • Addendum C (not available)
  • Addendum D (not available)
  • Addendum E (not available)
​RF 1/1998, as well as its Addenda, was withdrawn by RF 1/2011 with effect from 30 September 2010

1996​ ​
​ ​

RF 1/1996​

​Issued in June 1996


Replaced with effect from 01/03/2008

​Calculation of flexible annuity benefits

​RF 1/1996, and its Addenda, was replaced by the insertion of the definition of “living annuity” in section 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1962, with effect from 1 March 2008




Income Tax Practice Notes

These Practice Notes were issued under the Income Tax Act, 1962 


​Practice Note
Reference Number
​Description ​ ​Notes

Issued on 26/03/2001
Replaced with effect from 22/02/2012
​Exemption from income tax in terms of s.10(1)(e)
​Replaced by Interpretation Note 64 (Issue 1) with effect from 22 February 2012

1999​ ​ ​ ​
​4 of 1999
​Issued on 08/03/1999
Replaced with effect from 04/07/2018
Treatment of gains and losses on foreign exchange transactions​ ​Replaced by Interpretation Note 101 with efffect from 4 July 2018 
6 of 1999

​Issued on 30/07/1999


Replaced with effect from 12/02/2013

​Game Farming ​Replaced by Interpretation Note 69 with effect from 12 February 2013


1996​ ​ ​ ​

​1 of 1996

Issued on



Withdrawn on


​​Provision for ship repairs in terms of section 14(1)(c) in the Income Tax Act, 1962 

​Section 14(1)(c) had been repealed by Taxation Laws Amendment Act No. 31 of 2013.

This provision has therefore become obsolete

2 of 1996
Issued on
Withdrawn on
05/08/2019,​​ with effect from years of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2012
​Income Tax: Determination of taxable income where financial assistance has been granted by a non-resident of the Republic to a resident of the Republic

​Section 31 was substituted by the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2011 with effect from years of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2012. 

As this Practice Note and its Addendum of 17 May 2002 gave guidance on section 31(3) before it was substituted they are not applicable from the date of substitution and are accordingly withdrawn for years of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2012.


1995​ ​ ​ ​

43 of 1995​


Issued on



Withdrawn on 18/08/2015​

​Treatment of certain types of policy loans ​Section 29 had been repealed by Revenue Laws Amendment Act No. 20 of 2006, therefore this provision has become obsolete


1994​ ​ ​ ​

​32 of 1994 

Issued on 07/10/1994


Replaced with effect from 22/09/2014​

​Valuation of Stock: Nurserymen

​Replaced by Interpretation Note 79 with effect from 22 September 2014

23 of 1994


Issued on 17/06/1994


Withdrawn on 18/08/2015​

​Taxation of trusts and trust beneficiaries – section 25B

​Section 25B had been substituted by section 27(1) of Revenue Laws Amendment Act 32 of 2004 with effect from the years of assessment ending on or after 24 January 2005.

Therefore, the provision has become obsolete.

1993​ ​ ​ ​
16 of 1993 

Issued on 12/03/1993


Withdrawn with effect from the commencement of years of assessement ending on or after

​Deduction in terms of s.12C in respect of certain foundations or supporting structures
​This Note is obsolete in view of the amendment to section 12C by the Taxation Laws Amendment Act, 2011 and is withdrawn with effect from the commencement of years of assessment ending on or after 1 January 2012
Refer to the Notice of Withdrawal of Practice Notes dated 1 January 2012


1988​ ​ ​ ​

8 of 1988​  ​
Issued on 30/12/1988
Withdrawn with effect from the commencement
of years of
ending on or after
​​Deduction in respect of finance charges under section 11(bB)
​Section 11(bB) was deleted by
section 14(1)(a) of the Taxation Laws Amendment Act No. 17 of 2009. This provision is repealed because it is obsolete in view of the enactment of s.24J.
The withdrawal of this Note is the same as the effective date of the deletion of s.11(bB), namely from the commencement of years of assessment ending on or after 1 January 2010.
Refer to the Notice of Withdrawal of Practice Notes dated 1 January 2012





Value-Added Tax (VAT) Practice Notes

These Practice Notes were issued under the Value-Added Tax Act, 1991.

​Practice Note
Reference Number


​Description ​ ​Notes



1 of 2001 Issued on 31/07/2001


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​
Insurance indemnity payments

Section 8(8)​
Specific supplies in the short-term insurance industry, including deemed supplies in respect of insurance indemnity payments are dealt with in the VAT 421 – Guide for Short-Term Insurance and Binding General Ruling No. 14 –
VAT Treatment of Specific Supplies in the Short-Term Insurance Industry.

1998​ ​ ​ ​

1 of 1998

 Originally published in
General Notice 427 on
11 March 1998
(GG 18738)


Issued on 11/03/1998


Withdrawn with effect from 13/11/1998

​Documentary proof required on consignment or delivery of movable goods to a recipient at an address in an export country

Section 11(1)(a) read with paragraph (a) of the definition of “exported” in section 1

​Withdrawn by Practice Note 2 of 1998 dated 13 November 1998


2 of 1998

Originally published in
General Notice 2762 on 13 November 1998
(GG 19471)

Issued on 13/11/1998


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2005 

​Documentary proof required on consignment or delivery of movable goods to a recipient at an address in an export country
Section 11(1)(a) read with paragraph (a) of the definition of “exported” in section 1

​Withdrawn by Interpretation Note 30 (Issue 1) with effect from 1 April 2005


​ ​ ​ ​
1 of 1996

Issued on 12/04/1996


Withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2010

​Withdrawal of rulings in respect of value-added tax
Withdrawn by Notice of Withdrawal of Practice Notes dated 1 February 2010

​ ​ ​ ​
14 of 1995
Issued on 20/01/1995
Witdrawn with effect from

​Going concerns – Section 11(1)(e)

​Withdrawn by Interpretation Note 57 dated 31 March 2010
15 of 1995
Issued on​07/04/1996
Withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2010
​Treatment of supplies of dried maize and maize products

​Withdrawn by Notice of Withdrawal of Practice Notes  dated 1 February 2010

Schedules 1 and 2 to the VAT Act were amended by Revenue Laws Amendment Act, 2007 to deal with the matter


​ ​ ​ ​
13 of 1994 
​Issued on 06/09/1994
Withdrawn with effect from 09/04/2015

​Professional hunters and taxidermists


​Withdrawn by Interpretation Note 81 (Issue 2) dated 9 April 2015


12 of 1993 ​Issued on 24/11/1993


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​​​​

Zero-rating of the supply of brown bread

Section 11(1)(j)​

The term “brown bread” in Item 1 of paragraph 1, under Part B of Schedule 2 to the VAT Act is defined with reference to Regulation 1 of the Regulations in terms of Government Notice R577, published in Government Gazette No. 13074 of 15 March 1991.

Therefore, the details in the Practice Notice are not necessary. Note however that these regulations have been repealed and replaced by the Regulations contained in Government Notice No. 186 of 22 February 2008, published in Government Gazette No. 30782.​


11 of 1992 Issued on 10/02/1992


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​​​​
Zero-rating of the supply of certain transport-related services​

Sections 11(2)(g)(iv) and 11(2)(h)
(1) The legislation was amended.

(2) The normal requirements of sections 11(2)(a), (c) and (e) must be met for the zero-rating to apply.

1991​ ​ ​ ​

1 of 1991

​Issued on 25/09/1991



Withdrawn with effect from 01/02/2010


​Valuation of Livestock – Section 78

​Withdrawn by Notice of Withdrawal of Practice Notes dated 1 February 2010


​2 of 1991

Issued on 25/09/1991


Withdrawn with effect from 09/04/2015​

​Tax Invoices, Debit Notes and Credit Notes


​Withdrawn by Interpretation Note 83 (Issue 2) dated 9 April 2015
3 of 1991 Issued on 25/09/1991


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​

​Prices advertised or quoted to include tax, including transitional rules for the change over from sales tax to VAT

Section 65

(1) The transitional rules for the change over from sales tax to VAT are obsolete.

(2) Should there be a need to approve alternative methods of displaying prices, approval may be granted to a vendor or class of vendors on request under proviso (iii) to section 65.

​4 of 1991 Issued on 25/09/1991


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​​
​Time of supply:
Determination of time of supply in respect of certain fixed property transactions
​(1) References to section 9(3)(d)(i) are obsolete.
(2) Explanations relating to the conclusion of agreements before the VAT Act commenced, as well as retention money received after 30 September 1991 relating to services performed before that date, are outdated.
(3) Normal time of supply rules apply to agent’s commission. The time of supply rules relating to fixed property are covered in the VAT 409 – Guide for Fixed Property and Construction.
5 of 1991

Issued on 25/09/1991


Withdrawn with effect from 14/12/2009

​Tax periods – Section 27

​Withdrawn by Interpretation Note 52 (Issue 1) dated 14 December 2009


8 and 9 of 1991

Originally published in General Notice 397 on 27 April 1992
(GG 13949) 


Issued on 01/05/1992


Withdrawn with effect from 27/04/1992

​VAT Export Incentive Scheme – Procedures for refund of tax to certain persons resident or conducting business in BLNS countries or to supply goods to them at the rate of zero per cent

​Replaced by Notice 2761 published in GG 19471 dated 13 November 1998 and then included in the Regulations

10 of 1991​ Issued on 01/10/1991


Withdrawn with effect from 01/04/2016​​​

​Zero-rating of the supply of international transportation services of goods and related activities

Sections 11(2)(a), 11(2)(c) and

​(1) The legislation was amended.
(2) The normal requirements of sections 11(2)(a), (c) and (e) must be met for the zero-rating to apply.


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