The amendments to the Customs and Excise Rules are made in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 by Notice in the Gazette. The Notices are arranged according to the publication date and grouped in the different years of issue, which can be accessed on the navigation pane above.
An implementation date that falls on another date than the publication date of the Notice, is written in bold for ease of reference.
Forms published on this page are as per the Government Gazette in which they appear, thus providing a historic account of amendments per form. The most updated forms, which taxpayers should use unless they relate to a specific period, are available at All Forms.
Publication Details | Description | Implementation Date | |
Date | GG and Notice Numbers | ||
24 January 2005 | GG 27196 R.60 | Substitution of rules 39.08 to 39.13; Withdrawal of forms DA 25, DA 26A and DA 163 from the Schedule to the Rules | 24 January 2005 |
28 January 2005 | GG 27220 R.75 | Withdrawal of document named “Electronic Communication: Amendment of User Agreement” from the rules for section 101A | 10 December 2004 |
18 February 2005 | GG 27304 R.150 | Amendment of rules for section 120B (Trans Kalahari Route) and substitution of forms SAD 500, SAD 501, SAD 502, SAD 503 | 18 February 2005 |
29 April 2005 | GG 27536 R.412 | New rules for section 15 and publication of new form DA 331 (Customs Declaration) for passengers | 29 April 2005 |
5 July 2005 | GG 27768 R.673 | Amendment of rules for section 120B – Grobler’s Bridge (RSA) and Maartinsdrift (Botswana) added to those border posts using the SAD declaration forms | 1 July 2005 |
15 July 2005 | GG 27774 R.677 | Amendment of rule 59A.03(1)(d)(ii) | 15 July 2005 |
1 September 2005 | GG 27997 R.869 | Amendment of rules for section 120B – Vioolsdrift and Nakop added to those offices where the SAD declaration forms may be used; SAD 500, SAD 501, SAD 502, SAD 503 replaced | 1 September 2005 |
9 September 2005 | GG 27992 R.876 | Amendment of rules for section 120B – Cape Town International Airport added to those offices where SAD declaration forms may be used | 9 September 2005 |
1 December 2005 | GG 28289 R.1157 | Insertion of GSP with Turkey as Part 4 in the rules for section 46A, including substitution of Certificate of Origin Form A, Forms DA 46A.01, DA 46A.02, DA 46A.03, DA 46A.04 (previously DA 46A2.01, DA 46A2.02, DA 46A.03 and DA 46A2.04); and DA 49A.02, DA 46A1.02 and DA 185.02 and DA 185.14 | 1 December 2005 |
15 December 2005 | GG 28339 R.1231 | Correction notice to amend paragraph (g) of rule 46A2.31 that was published on 1 December 2005 in Notice R.1157 | 1 December 2005 |
23 December 2005 | GG 28329 R.1246 | New rules for State warehouse rent in terms of section 17; replacement of DA 68 (Application for delivery of goods ex State warehouse) | 1 February 2006 |
30 December 2005 | GG 28361 R.1258 | Amendment of paragraphs (b) and (d) of rule 64F.07 | 2 April 2005 |
30 December 2005 | GG 28361 R.1259 | Replacement of DA 66 – General Application for Drawback / Refund | 30 December 2005 |