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Rule Amendments 2008

The amendments to the Customs and Excise Rules are made in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964 by Notice in the Gazette. The Notices are arranged according to the publication date and grouped in the different years of issue, which can be accessed on the navigation pane above.

An implementation date that falls on another date than the publication date of the Notice, is written in bold for ease of reference.

Forms published on this page are as per the Government Gazette in which they appear, thus providing a historic account of amendments per form. The most updated forms, which taxpayers should use unless they relate to a specific period, are available at All Forms.
​Publication Details ​​Description ​​Implementation Date ​
DateGG and Notice Numbers
​14 March 2008

​GG 30837


​Amendment of rules relating to the procedures for Form DA 59 (s.46 and s.120)

​14 March 2008
​​14 March 2008

​GG 30837


​Substitution of Form DA 75 and its Annexures (s.75 and s.120)

​​14 March 2008
​9 May 2008

​GG 31022


​Amendments relating to the SAD form and its Annexures, granting a 60 day period for the use of existing stocks of these forms; Replacements of some of the DA 260 excise accounts and amendment to rule 19A4.04(h) (s.18, s.19A and s.120)

​9 May 2008
​9 May 2008

​GG 31040


​New implementation date for EFTA

1 May 2008
​21 May 2008

​GG 31079


​Correction Notice – Amendments originally published in Notice R.527 on 9 May 2008 corrected

​21 May 2008
​18 July 2008

​GG 31233


​Amendments to rules relatng to importation and removal of second-hand vehicles by road

​18 July 2008
​29 August 2008

​GG 31360


​Substitution of Form DA 185.4B4 (Licensing: Special Storage Warehouse)

​29 August 2008
​31 October 2008

​GG 31560


​Implementation of Diamond Export Levy rules

1 November 2008

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