Publication Details | Description | Implementation Date | |
Date | GG and Notice Numbers | ||
16 January 2006 | GG 28409 R.41 | General Note IJ of Schedule No. 1 amended by addition of paragraph 5; amendment of Notes to the Protocol in Part A of the Schedule to the General Notes | 1 May 2004 |
16 January 2006 | GG 28409 R.42 | Amendment to Part 1 of Schedule No. 10 – Additional Protocol to the Agreement on Trade, Development and Co-operation between the European Community and their Member States and the Republic of South Africa | 1 May 2004 |
14 February 2006 | GG 28515 R.148 | Correction Notice – Amendment of Notice R1138 published in GG 28311 of 14 December 2005 to substitute the statistical unit “u” in subheading 6209.20 for “kg” | 14 February 2006 |
15 February 2006 | n/a | Budget Review 2006 – Taxation proposals tabled at 15:12 | 15:12 on 15 February 2006 |
17 February 2006 | GG 28436 R.129 | Amendment of Schedule No. 3 – Withdrawal of certain rebate items and provisions applicable to the textile, clothing and related industries | 17 February 2006 |
10 March 2006 | GG 28565 R.222 | Amendment of Schedule No. 2 – Anti-dumping exclusion for pressure cookers of item 215.02/7615.19/04.06, originating in or imported from China | 10 March 2006 |
16 March 2006 | GG 28635 R.242 | The general, EU and SADC rates of duty on sugar is reduced from 23,3c/kg to “free” | 16 March 2006 |
16 March 2006 | GG 28635 R.243 | Amendment of Schedule No. 2 – Withdrawal of anti-dumping duty on prepared or reserved meat of fowls of the species Gallus Domesticus, cut in pieces with bone-in, imported from or orignating in the USA, with retrospective effect | 27 December 2005 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28652 R.291 | Amendment of Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 – Distinction has now been made between carrier bags and flat bags of polymers of ethylene and polymers of propylene | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28652 R.292 | Amendment of Part 3 of Schedule No. 1 – Distinction has now been made between carrier bags and flat bags of polymers of ethylene and polymers of propylene | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.293 | Note 6(c) in Part 3 of Schedule No. 1 on “immediate packings” is amended to distinguish between carrier bags and flat bags of polymers of ethylene and polymers of propylene | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.295 | Substitution of Additional Notes 1(b) and (c) to Chapter 27 | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.296 | The deletion of certain items relating to petroleum as a result of the changes to Notes 1(b) and (c) to Chapter 27 | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.297 | Substitution of Part 5 of Schedule No. 1 to divide it into Section A for Fuel Levy and Section B for Road Accident Fund Levy | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.298 | Toad Accident Fund levy rates amended in Part 5B of Schedule No. 1 | 5 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.299 | Subsitution of Note (ii)(a) to rebate item 460.23/00.00/01.00 | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.300 | Provision for drawback items 540.00, 540.01/01.00 and 540.01/02.00 for biodiesel | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28676 R.301 | Substitution of Note 6(b) in Part 3 of Schedule No. 6 | 5 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28684 R.304 | Substitution of Schedule No. 6 in its entirety | 1 April 2006 |
31 March 2006 | GG 28695 R.313 | Part 2B of Schedule No. 1 – Deletion of certain aqueous distillates and aqeous solutions of essential oils | 1 April 2006 |
21 April 2006 | GG 28733 R.372 | Provision for reduction in the duty of shotgun cartridges of subheading 9306.21 from 15% to free of duty | 21 April 2006 |
25 April 2006 | GG 28773 R.405 | Provisional payments imposed in relation to anti-dumping on feed supplements, containing, by mass, 40% or more lysine, whether or not containing added antibiotics or added melengestrol acetate of subheading 2309.90.65-
imported from or originating in the United States of America | Up to and including 24 October 2006 |
12 May 2006 | GG 28821 R.441 | Correction Notice – Amending Notice R.375 published in GG 28746 of 13 April 2006 by the substitution of heading “Extent of Rebate” in the last column to drawback item 521.00 with the wording “Extent of Drawback” | 12 May 2006 |
31 May 2006 | GG 28889 R.501 | Schedule No. 3 – Amendment of the description in rebate item 316.09/8516.90/01.06 to include glass-top hobs and glass-top stoves as manufactured products | 31 May 2006 |
23 June 2006 | GG 28959 R.628 | A new rebate provision created for textiles and textile articles entered for home consumption after 1 January 2006 up to and including 30 September 2008 in accordance with a duty credit certificate issued by ITAC as specified in the TCIDP Rules and Procedures defined in Note 1 to item 460.11/00.00/07.00 | 1 January 2006 up to and including 30 September 2008 |
26 June 2006 | GG 28969 R.636 | Correction Notice – Amending Notice R.628 published in GG 28959 of 23 June 2006 by substitution of the check digit of “25” for “09” in respect of rebate item 460.11/00.00/07.00 | 26 June 2006 |
30 June 2006 | GG 28986 R.644 | Provisional payment in relation to anti-dumping duty published in Notice R.405 of 25 April 2006 is amended with retrospective effect and shall remain in force up to and including 24 October 2006 | 25 April 2006 up to and including 24 October 2006 |
14 July 2006 | GG 29031 R.683 | Schedule No. 2 – Withdrawal of anti-dumping duty on carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included), originating in or imported from the Republic of Korea | 10 September 2004 |
28 July 2006 | GG 29083 R.765 | Provisional payment imposed for anti-dumping on subheading items 4011.10, 4011.20.15 and 4011.20.25 on new pneumatic tyres originating in and imported from China up to and including 26 January 2007 | Up to and including 26 January 2007 |
25 August 2006 | GG 29131 R.858 | Subheading 8408.90 was simplified for ease of administration puroses and the rate of duty on subheading 8408.90.90 has been reduced from 15% ad valorem to “free” | 25 August 2006 |
25 August 2006 | GG 29131 R.859 | Due to the fact that the rate of duty on subheading 8408.90.90 is now ‘free’, the rebate provisions have become superfluous and are withdrawn | 25 August 2006 |
1 September 2006 | GG 29185 R.872 | Insertion of Part 5 in Schedule No. 10 – MOU with the People’s Republic of China | 1 September 2006 |
15 September 2006 | GG 29206 R.917 | Refund provision created in item 537.02/87.00/01.04 for the importation of light motor vehicles using PAA certificates | 15 September 2006 |
22 September 2006 | GG 29239 R.948 | Withdrawal of anti-dumping duty on printed and dyed bed linen originating in or imported from Malawi, and printed bed linen originating in or imported from Pakistan | 30 May 2006 |
29 September 2006 | GG 29269 R.972 | Withdrawal of Notice R.872 published in GG 29185 of 1 September 2006, to provide a longer lead time for the implementation of the Annexure to the MOU between RSA and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on providing bilateral trade and economic co-operation | 1 September 2006 |
20 October 2006 | GG 29294 R.1041 | Increase of rate of duty on certain tools classifiable under heading 8206.00 from “free” to 20% | 20 October 2006 |
20 October 2006 * | GG 29313 R.1053 | Extension of provisional payment imposed by Notice R.765 of 28 July 2006 for anti-dumping on subheading items 4011.10, 4011.20.15 and 4011.20.25 on new pneumatic tyres originating in and importing from China | Extended up to and including 26 April 2007 |
25 October 2006 | GG 29329 R.1070 | Reduction in rate of anti-dumping duty on carbon black (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) originating in or imported from Thailand, from 21,5% to 10,7% | 25 October 2006 |
3 November 2006 | GG 29342 R.1095 | Schedule 2 Part 2 – Termination of countervailing duty on poly vinyl chloride (PVC) originating in or imported from India by the deletion of item 237.01/3904.10/01.06 – ITAC Report 175 | 15 June 2006 |
1 December 2006 | GG 29413 R.1177 | Provision for rebate of duty in Part 2 of Schedule No. 1 less the amount rebated in Schedule No. 6 on ethyl alcohol, entered for use for the same purpose as provided for in any rebate item of Schedule No. 6, is withdrawn | 1 December 2006 |