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Welcome to SARS procurement. Here you can

-Register as a supplier
Review published tenders
See closed tenders
See tenders and bids received
See awarded tenders
See cancelled tenders
-And find information on TCC and TCS

SARS Procurement launced eSourcing to manage the end-to-end tender processes, the attached letter explains in detail the system and how service providers interact with SARS Procurement.
Please Note: The following changes were effected as at 1 April 2016: 

  1. Service Providers and suppliers who wish to render services to SARS will no longer register at SARS directly. Suppliers will have to register on National Treasury Central Supplier Database (“CSD”) as per National Treasury Circular No 3 of 2015/6 – Central Supplier Database. National Treasury will maintain the database for all suppliers for Government and its institutions.
  2.  All existing and prospective suppliers are requested to self- register on the CSD by accessing the National Treasury website at
  3. All SARS tenders will be published on the National Treasury’s e-Tender Publications Portal, at the following website:

How is SARS procurement governed?

SARS’ Procurement and Supply Chain Management processes are subject to the provisions of;

  • the Public Finance Management Act No.1 of 1999 (PFMA)
  • the Treasury Regulations for departments, trading entities ,constitutional institutions and public entities, 2005 issued in terms of the PFMA
  • the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No. 5 of 2000 (PPPFA)
  • the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2011 issued in terms of the PPPFA
  • the Supply Chain Management practice notes, instruction notes and circulars issued by National Treasury from time to time
  • SARS’ internal delegations of authority

These guidelines and legislations are incorporated in SARS’ External Procurement Policy. This policy sets out the processes and procedures followed by SARS when goods and/or services are procured.

It defines the legal, commercial and ethical parameters by which SARS employees and in particular its supply chain practitioners must conduct supply chain activities within SARS. This policy enables the proper and consistent application of procurement and supply chain management practices across SARS. The policy promotes efficient, transparent, equitable and effective procurement processes so as to achieve optimal value for money in terms of the total cost of ownership of the goods and/or services procured by SARS.

Anonymous Fraud and Whistle Blowing Hotline

If you would like to report suspected corruption with regard to SARS Procurement related matters we have a confidential hotline.
We appreciate your call and are committed to fighting crime especially if we find it in our own organisation.


Call toll-free on 0800 00 2870.

“SARS hotline” provides an anonymous reporting channel for unethical behaviour. At no time are these details divulged to the organisation / company where you are employed or to the individual(s) whom you are reporting.

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