SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter

The Six ‘I’s of Steward Leadership:

  • Demonstrate concern for Impact;
  • Communicate clarity of Intent;
  • Inspire positive action;
  • Influence the disbelievers;
  • Provide ongoing Insights;
  • Nurture strong Interdependency.

A message from the Commissioner

In reflecting on our privileged work at the South African Revenue Service (SARS), we are mindful that Our work enables Government to build a capable State, to foster sustainable economic growth and social development that serves the wellbeing of all South Africans. This is the true reason for our existence and the Higher Purpose we serve.

The legal mandate of the SARS is clearly set out in law, viz.: to collect tax revenues, ensure a culture of taxpayer compliance and facilitate trade across our borders. However, how effectively we deliver on this mandate depends on a few other factors. Key factors for SARS include: its technical competence to administer the relevant acts; how it conceptualizes a Compliance Programme; and its ability to understand and respond to attendant risks. This Strategic Plan, which covers the next 5 years presents an opportunity for SARS to clarify how it plans to approach its work, as well as the key results for which it ought to be held accountable.

The Strategic Statement 2020-2025 presents an inspirational vision to build “a smart modern SARS, with unquestionable integrity, trusted and admired”. It sets out a clear Strategic Intent “to follow the internationally recognized approach of Voluntary Compliance”, and further translates this intent into 9 clear strategic objectives.

A set of sub-objectives, each with clear key results are set out against which progress can be measured, and accountability maintained.

The Strategic Plan also informs the Annual Performance Plan (APP) that SARS will submit this year and subsequent years covered by the Plan with some deliverables spilling into ensuing years.

We value the support of the Standing Committee on Finance, to whom we account, as well as the trust placed in us by the Minister of Finance, Hon. Mboweni, under whose policy guidelines we work. We are deeply appreciative to our colleagues in National Treasury with whom we work to ensure a credible National Tax Revenue Fund that funds the Programmes undertaken by Government.